September 25, 2002

11:17pm: The Sound and The Fury

William Faulkner, Oxford, Mississippi, 1947

(Photo by Henri Cartier-Bresson)

September 25, 1897: William Faulkner is born

Many of you know I am a writer; even if you don't know me personally, references and links to my published work are herewith abundant. But even those of you who do know me may not know that William Faulkner is the writer who most influenced me as a young artist. I read all his work, voraciously and repeatedly, everything I could get my hands on. Of course, later influences followed, chiefly the existentialists (Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, Kafka, Beckett, Camus, Sartre). But my eyes were first opened to the possibilities of fiction by the phenomenol work of Faulkner, from his most simple and poignant, as "A Rose for Emily" to his most complex and enigmatic, as "Carcasonne." From his masterpiece, "The Sound and The Fury" (Click for full online text), to his equally great novels "As I Lay Dying," "Absolom, Absolom," "Light In August," and "Intruder In The Dust," to name just a few, but they are all masterpieces. Faulkner found a new way to use the English language, and he exploited its possibilities endlessly, driving its nuances and subtleties perhaps beyond its intended boundaries, if a language can be said to have intended boundaries. It is probably truer to say he simply found more wide-reaching places for our language to go, and took us there unabashedly, mesmerizing us with its wondrous grandeur, his artistic vision, and the skillful precision of his craft. Here is a brief bio from The History Channel:

"William Faulkner is born this day near Oxford, Mississippi. Faulkner's father was the business manager of the University of Mississippi, and his mother was a literary woman who encouraged Faulkner and his three brothers to read.
Faulkner was a good student but lost interest in studies during high school. He dropped out sophomore year and took a series of odd jobs while writing poetry.
In 1918, his high school girlfriend, Estelle Oldham, married another man, and Faulkner left Mississippi. He joined the British Royal Flying Corps, but World War I ended before he finished his training in Canada, and he returned to Mississippi. A neighbor funded the publication of his first book of poems, The Marble Faun (1924). His first novel, Soldiers' Pay, was published two years later.
In 1929, Faulkner finally married Estelle, his high school sweetheart, who had divorced her first husband after having two children. The couple bought a ruined mansion near Oxford and began restoring it while Faulkner finished The Sound and the Fury, published in October 1929. The book opens with the interior monologue of a developmentally disabled mute character. His next book, As I Lay Dying (1930), featured 59 different interior monologues. Light in August (1932) and Absalom, Absalom (1936) also challenged traditional forms of fiction.
Faulkner's difficult novels did not earn him enough money to support his family, so he supplemented his income selling short stories to magazines and working as a Hollywood screenwriter. He wrote two critically acclaimed films, both starring Humphrey Bogart: To Have and Have Not was based on an Ernest Hemingway novel, and The Big Sleep was based on a mystery by Raymond Chandler.
Faulkner's reputation received a significant boost with the publication of The Portable Faulkner (1946), which included his many stories set in Yoknapatawpha county. Three years later, in 1949, he won the Nobel Prize in literature. His Collected Stories (1950) won the National Book Award. During the rest of his life, he lectured frequently on university campuses. He died of a heart attack at age 55 [sic-he died on July 6, '62, at the age of 64, g.d.]." (from The History Channel)

Posted by cronish at September 25, 2002 12:00 AM