June 29, 2002

9pm: "I think it was the fourth of..."

Central Park: The Great Lawn

Well, it's not the 4th of July, but it was a perfect day in Central Park. You can see Belvedere Castle in the background, as I shot this from the middle fo the Great Lawn after a nice game of softball on Field #4. Of course, I was right about Bobby Kennedy not showing up, and I learned why when I got back from the park to find this picture from last night in my email. According to Claudia, our Monsieur Skelly was at Mo's until the wee hours, which was certainly no surprise to me. The only thing I was wrong about was the beverage...as you can see he opted for Twisted Tea last night.

"10am game? I'll be there."

Anyway, there was another wedding party taking wedding photos in the park, and I'm beginning to realize this must be a weekly occurrence, and a nice one at that. They were nice enough to allow me to snap some shots of my own, and I'm putting them here for you to see (click "more" below, and the only reason I'm adding this instructional note is because I got an email from my good pal Rand last month asking where the "More" was?#!)...

...so, as promised, here are a couple of shots of the lovely bride and her groom:

Wedding In The Park

Wedding Couple

So, I played some softball, and we were supposed to play two, but the second game was cancelled due to the appearance of a UFO on the Field:

Disc Alert

So, we skipped the 2nd game and I came home and watched the rest of the Yankees/Mets game, but not before taking a parting shot of the castle on the way out:

Belvedere Castle

I know I have a few shots of the castle on this blog, but hey, it's a touch of Medieval on a patch of forest in the middle of a megalopolis at the dawn of the 21st Century...you gotta love that.

Posted by cronish at June 29, 2002 10:05 PM