June 29, 2002

Round Midnite: Designing Designing Designs...


Click For: Finite Productions, Ink (A Division of Infinity)

Sorry I haven't been blogging this week, but I've been designing the website for Finite Productions, Ink, which you may visit by clicking either the snapshot above or the link in this sentence.

But, I have it on good authority that Bobby Kennedy (a/k/a Jame Skelly III, Esq., the reputed Duke of Earl, the Earl of Chester, King of the Castle and all that the eye can see--not to mention alleged master of his domain, but I doubt it) shall be sallying forth over hill and dale to seek out the great game of Abner Doubleday on the Great Lawn that Frederick Olmstead or his heirs and benefactors ordained as Central Park. We will bring cletes, gloves, bats and balls, caps and shades, and shall hold ourselves out as fit for competition (tho it may be a bald-faced lie). I'll have my camera and promise pictures aplenty upon the completion of said knightly quest.

Of course, on the other hand, it may be that whilst I toil here at the keyboard, my good friend and baseball co-conspirator may be downing another in an endless and numberless line of Rolling Rocks at the establishment of our choice (Read: Mo's Caribbean), and won't be up before the sun goes down, let alone in time to play this ballgame at 10 or 11 am, but oh well...

Posted by cronish at June 29, 2002 01:58 AM