June 18, 2002

1:49pm: But I'm Back...

Sorry folks, I've been busy with change, and we're not talking chump change, but some fairly major lifestyle renovations, over here. My bartending schedule is altered somewhat, and less structured. But, they say that change is good, and behind every cloud there's a silver cliche, right?

I'm refocusing my efforts and time expenditure to emphasize my writing (as always) and, now, a web design studio, with the gradual arrival of Finite Productions, Ink (A Division of Infinity) .

The site's up and running (although under steady construction) and I'm now taking on clients for web design projects. So, for the time being, my time will be going more into getting that site up and running and less on the blog, here, although I will try to make regular posts as I am able.

As you know, I've also been sailing with my sailing buddy Neil Rodgers, and though my new bartending schedule has put somewhat of a crimp in the sailing, we're still looking forward to a great summer of sailing and racing, and I will faithfully report on all sailing adventures at this location and on 2 Idiots In A Boat (on the Dash Sailing journal pages).

So, thanks for checking back, and I should be in more constant contact via this site from now on.

Posted by cronish at June 18, 2002 02:08 PM