May 13, 2002

Noon: 1st Permanent English Settlement in The New* World

(*raising the question: New to Who?)

They're Here!

Anyway, on May 13, 1607 about 100 English colonists settled along the west bank of the James River in Virginia to found Jamestown-both named after King James I, who chartered the Virginia (London) Company-the first permanent English settlement in North America. Dispatched from England by the London Company, the colonists had sailed across the Atlantic aboard the Sarah Constant, Goodspeed, and Discovery, (and are not to be confused with the original Pilgrims (alas, religious separatists, and completely unrelated to our own, areligious, hero), who split from the Church of England and sailed aboard the Mayflower (after a brief and [one might presume] sobering sojourn in Amsterdam), founding Plymouth Colony, the first permanent European settlement in New England, in 1620.

Another excellent reference on Jamestown is The History Channel.

Posted by cronish at May 13, 2002 12:05 PM