April 24, 2002

Midnite: Gregory Colbert, Photographer

Click For Slide Show
Photo by Gregory Colbert
from "Ashes and Snow"
Click For Slide Show

From The New York Times, 4/23/02:
"Until now (Click for Full NYTimes Article) Gregory Colbert has been that rare artist who goes out of his way not to be noticed. He was represented by no gallery, he held no exhibitions for a decade, and he gave no interviews. He was in a sense a secret artist, though the secret was shared by a small group of wealthy private collectors who, through acquisitions and sheer enthusiasm, helped to finance his work.

Photo by Gregory Colbert
From N.Y.Times-Click For Full Article

He needed this help. In his quest to photograph the mystical relationship between humans and animals, he made 27 lengthy trips to distant corners of the world over nine years. He was usually accompanied by a support team, supplies and equipment. He even rented oceangoing vessels for months on end. In brief, it was both costly and complicated to produce images of great simplicity.

Photo by Gregory Colbert, From Tiscali Arte
Click for Website

Now, in the vast and sober space of the Arsenale, the Renaissance-era shipyard owned by the Venice Biennale, Mr. Colbert, 42, is for the first time exhibiting the fruits of these voyages. And as he might have hoped, the result is a discovery not only of this Canadian artist but also of an ageless realm in which elephants and whales as well as manatees, royal eagles, sacred ibis, cranes and falcons cohabit and communicate with humans. Comprising 200 images and a 58-minute documentary, the show, "Ashes and Snow," runs here through July 6..." (From The New York Times, 4/24/02)

To all who wish further links to Gregory Colbert's work:
I have edited the entry by physically labelling the links that each photo represents: one to the Times article, one to the Colbert Gallery, and one to the Slide Show for "Ashes and Snow." These are the only links I have to Colbert and his work, and hopefully this will help you. Please do not post comments asking for further contacts, I do not have them. Thank-you all for visiting and sharing this wonderful work-
a pilgrim in paradise

Posted by cronish at April 24, 2002 01:50 AM