April 10, 2002

11:46pm: In...Where Else...Australia

WHERE: Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia
WHEN: 1995
Photographer Sam Abell:

“My Australian friend Kerry Trapnell and I called this secluded, silent place on Fraser Island the ‘Zen Garden’ because of its almost empty, austere beauty.

We camped here several days trying to render, photographically, the power of the place. That power was in the skeletal trees, remnants of an ancient forest that had been buried centuries ago by shifting sand dunes. Over time the sands shifted again, revealing this scene. But just behind the trees an almost vertical dune was advancing to rebury them. The trees seemed to be elemental calligraphy spelling out that story.”

—From the National Geographic book Seeing Gardens, 2000
--From National Geographic's Photo of the Day Archive.

Posted by cronish at April 10, 2002 11:58 PM