April 05, 2002

10:52pm: Let's Play Two...
PILGRIM: [Packing up his discs at the 18th hole] Okay fellas, I gotta run.
BARNES: Run, it's still light out, we can get another round in, no?
PILGRIM: Nah, I gotta go, double-header in the morning. [Pauses] Hold a sec... you're blind; how do you know it's light out?
BARNES: Oh, that: Daylight Savings Time.
PILGRIM: Daylight savings? What in the name of the rose is that?
SLICE: What's a double-header?
BARNES: Daylight savings, you know, you set your clocks ahead an hour in the fall and back an hour in the spring.
PILGRIM: Double-header, two games instead of one; you know, like that gum. It's a tradition where I come from.
SLICE: Hang on a second there, Barnes, you've got it bass ackwards there, don't you know.
BARNES: That's right, you did say something about baseball season starting up again this week.
PILGRIM: Oh, but this is football.
SLICE: It's spring ahead and fall back...
BARNES: [Not paying attention] What gum? So baseball season didn't start?
PILGRIM: Oh, no, it did. But I have a football double-header tomorrow.
SLICE: They have those in football, too?
PILGRIM: Not really, but I'm in a touch league.
BARNES: Now this I gotta see.
SLICE: This is getting confusing, Pilgrim.
PILGRIM: There you go again, Barnes.
BARNES: That's gotta be rough, two football games; do you get a few hours to rest between games?
PILGRIM: Not even a few minutes, Barnes, we finish one and start right up again. Anyway, I gotta run. [Sets his watch back an hour as he runs, calling back over his shoulder] Thanks for the advice on Daytime Lifesavers, I would have would have lost an hour's sleep!
SLICE: Oh dear, but he's got it wrong, Barnes.
BARNES: Yo, Slice, whatever do you mean?
SLICE: It's spring ahead, and fall back, Barnes. This is springtime, the clocks go ahead, not back.
BARNES: Oh well, it's too late now.
SLICE: Yes, Barnes, two hours too late, which is what he will be in the morning.
[They look in the direction of Pilgrim's progress.]
BARNES: Well, only one, really, it doesn't even take effect until tomorrow night.
SLICE: Oh dear, what a mess. You don't suppose there's any chance he's from Indiana...

[*In case you've ever wondered where the *#!? Daylight Savings Time came from and why we still adhere to it, here is Won Sight adhere is An Other that describe the origin and use of Daylight Savings Time.]

Posted by cronish at April 05, 2002 11:29 PM