March 28, 2002

10:10am: Write On
Just writing today, working on n1 and ss1, and reading some Camus (The Myth of Sisyphus) and the old standby NYTimes, with a short break to post new sports and music trivia questions on the Happy Hour Webisode.

There is more news of death and destruction in the middle east, suicide bombings and political discord. I sometimes envy Pilgrim and Barnes their respective naivete and blindness (why not, what the hell, they inherited them from me). But my personal credo (bartender's prerogative and self-preservation) is to avoid all discussion of politics and religion, so I will steer clear of these and leave them to the infernal blathering of Pilgrim and Co., when they next make their appearance in these pages.

There is sunshine and a nice temperature of 53 degrees here in Manhattan, so I will break for now and finish my few pushups and situps (physical counterparts to offset the mental calisthenics that dominate of the remainder of the day), and stretch and get outside for a nice run. As usual I will try to post a more thought-provoking supplemental entry later tonight when the day has had a chance to paint me with some aspect of its charm--or devilry--and these days one has no way of knowing until it comes to pass.

Posted by cronish at March 28, 2002 10:17 AM