March 22, 2002

1:41pm: A Socratic Primer

Dramatis Personae:
SLICE: A Local Clairvoyant;
BARNES: A Blind Sheep, with tabloid folded under one arm;
[ENTER PILGRIM: A Wandering Seeker]

SLICE: Look, over the horizon, comes now a gypsy seeking truth, or lotto jackpots.
BARNES: I can't, I'm blind, remember?
SLICE: Yes, Barnes, but look with your heart, Barnes, look with your soul.
BARNES: I think my soul needs glasses.
[PILGRIM draws near and stops, weight resting on his walking stick, his free hand cradling a frisbee-golf bag slung over one shoulder.]
PILGRIM: Mind if I play through?
SLICE: The steward was here, said something about a green's fee, you may want to lay low.
PILGRIM: Very well, then. I'm new to your cheerful little postage stamp of utopia, here, tell me, what news from the realm?
SLICE: Barnes, may we borrow your Daily?
BARNES: Sure, but don't ruin the creases, I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. [And delivers up the rag.]
SLICE: Hmm, says here there's no peace out there: airline hijackings, suicide bombings, rough neighborhood.
PILGRIM: But the brochure said you people have been coexisting here for thousands of years. I got a discount on the "Peace, Love & Understanding" package. Coupons, too.
BARNES: Coexisting, that is so. But peace, love & understanding? You might have missed the boat on that one, Pilgrim, better lemme have a look at that brochure.
BARNES: I do believe Elvis has left the building.
SLICE: Yes, Barnes.
PILGRIM: Tell me then, oh Wise One, if all of you have been sharing this tasty little nugget for so many thousands of years, what have you learned in all that time?


Posted by cronish at March 22, 2002 02:22 PM